Some people already think hand sanitizers as effective as soap, so many become lazy wash hands before eating. Hand sanitizers are originally intended for emergency purposes, it replaces the function of soap completely.
Dangers of hand sanitizers can not yet be said for the irrational use of antibiotics or excessive, which could lead to resistant germs. But new research suggests that excessive use of hand sanitizers may increase risk of infection.
Types of infections are increased risks in the use of hand sanitizers is gastroenteritis, which is inflammation of the intestinal mucosa that is triggered by a virus called norovirus. In addition to triggering diarrhea, nausea and pain in the gut, this infection is easily transmitted.
Research presented at the meeting of the American College of Preventative Medicine, was conducted in 161 health facilities. The employees at the facilities studied averaged 6 times more to choose wash hands with soap than hand sanitizers.
Among the health facilities more employees using hand sanitizers, 53 percent reported having experienced norovirus outbreaks. This figure is greater than in health facilities more employees use soap, which is only 18 percent.
"Hand sanitizers are less optimal in controlling norovirus infection. There is no direct causal link between hand sanitizer with norovirus infection, but there is a tendency to increase risk, "said Dr David Blaney from the center of disease control and prevention of the United Srikat or CDC, as quoted from Medicalnewstoday
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